3 Myths about Fentanyl

by the Shatterproof.org editorial team

From newspaper headlines to political debates, fentanyl has become a hot topic. But it can be hard to know what information you should trust. In order to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe, we need real, accurate information. Here, we’ll break down important facts, plus a few myths to watch out for:

Myth #1: “People who take fentanyl know the risks.”

Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid that can only be made safely in a lab. Recently, illegally manufactured versions of this opioid have tainted the underground drug market. As a result, people with addiction are overdosing at appaling rates. 

Often, users do not know the purity of the drugs they’re taking. Many of them are unaware they are using fentanyl at all. This drug is everywhere right now, and that’s what’s making the situation so dire. 

Fentanyl is tainting the opioid supply, and the stimulant supply. It is being found in illegal supplies of heroin, cocaine, and even in pressed pills. These pills look real but were actually illegally manufactured. 

People who use these substances are often not aware of the risk. This is resulting in a tragic loss of life.

Myth #2: “Touching, handling, or being in the same room as fentanyl can cause a person to become ill or overdose.”

When this opioid is legitimately manufactured, it can be safetly used in hospitals. Doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals handle fentanyl every day during surgeries, but they aren’t overdosing. 

This opioid is not dangerous to handle or to be around. It’s only dangerous to snort, inject, or otherwise ingest outside of a medical capacity.

If you come across this opioid, do not panic. And if you come across someone experiencing an overdose, don’t hesitate to help them. You are not in danger of overdosing too, even if there are drugs around.

Myth #3: “Fentanyl overdoses cannot be reversed.”  

Overdoses from fentanyl are reversible. The best way to keep our loved ones safe is by prioritizing their health and needs with a clear head. Harm reduction allows you to do this with tools like clean synringes, test stripes, and naloxone. 

This opioid is potent, but luckily, overdoses are still reversible. One way you can be prepared to save a life is by carrying naloxone. 


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