
Tammy Robbins

DUGAN. College roomie. Amy Grant, no wait, AC/DC. Mutual Admiration Society Charter Member. Smart. Funny. Wise. I’m her new city

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Marian Rein

Love my deep and meaningful conversations about life, life’s purpose and so much more. Walks, occasional margaritas, working together, being

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Lisa Peterson

Another ride or die. Music…philosophical conversations…laughter…these are so amazing with this loving friend. My pick-up-where-we-left-off like no time has passed

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Chelsea Pecore

Chels. Known one another since we were five. She’s my ride for die. Knows every single thing about me and

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Beth Pinkston

My Tina Turner dance off pal. My bonus-Heather-friend, thank heavens we all came together. Lots of time spent talking about

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Beth Poe

P.O.E. My “What the hell, hose her down” (what a catch phrase!) childhood friend. So. Many. Laughs. And lots of

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Trina Manhardt

Two peas in a pod. Cut from the same cloth. My late-night YouTubing partner-in-crime. My wine drinking, belly laughing, solve-all-the-problems-of-the-universe

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Kim Kossl

World traveler. Amazing hostess. Fashionista. You always know you’re going to have a great time with Kim. And if you

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Laura Keller

Full-time Marketing Guru, part-time “standup comedian” keeping us all in stitches. Lover of history and all-things-royal. She has a killer

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Janet Hespen

She’s a walking dynamo. Mom of four grown men, all Eagle Scouts (hubby, too). Married to her soulmate, Jerry. Loves

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