Unblocking Your Creative Flow

“Creativity is an energy. It’s a precious energy, and it’s something to be protected. A lot of people take for granted that they’re a creative person, but I know from experience, feeling it in myself, it is a magic; it is an energy. And it can’t be taken for granted.”

~Ava DuVernay

I’m a creative person.  Always have been to some extent.  Writing…music…fashion…they’ve all been a part of my creative outlets. 

Most recently I become very inspired to start this blog and podcast, Love Middle Life.  I came out of the gates with such enthusiasm and many ideas.  And I quickly became sidetracked with my job, my personal life, and overall ‘adulting’. 

I am dedicated to getting back to this blog & podcast…I’m still very excited about them!  So, I’m working hard to unblock my creative flow as well as adjusting my schedule to provide the time and space needed to create. 

Here are 5 strategies for getting those creative juices revved up:

Maybe you find yourself a little stuck and wanting to connect with that part of you that creates.  With spring upon us, maybe it’s gardening.  Or sprucing up your home décor.  Or contemplating your spring wardrobe.  Or maybe you’re an artist and want to play music, get back to painting or writing.  Our creative side is such an important part of who we are and brings such depth to ourselves and to our lives. 

  • Find a creative spot

Take some time to make a spot that is uncluttered and surround yourself with things that bring you joy and inspiration.  The right surroundings can help increase creativity.

  • Listen to music

Music can be so powerful.  Crank up some tunes and let the music help take you to those creative places in your mind.  Dance, sing and let the ideas flow!

  • Disconnect

We are constantly overstimulated with electronic devices, responsibilities, noise, people and more.  Taking the time to disconnect can give your brain and nervous system space to think and create.

  • Surround yourself with creative people, ideas and inspiration

It’s great to have other creative types to bounce ideas off of, to talk through issues and to provide inspiration.  Creativity doesn’t always happen in a vacuum.

  • Do something routine and get lost in that activity

Many find that the most routine of activities, like cleaning, walking, driving or taking a bubble bath, are when creative ideas hit.  To get that creative flow moving, give your mind a rest and do something routine and let your mind wander. 

  • Keep showing up

Often creative people share that it takes intention and consistency to be creative.  If you don’t wake up feeling like writing or painting or creating, sit down and just get started.  Do it despite not ‘feeling it’ and see where it takes you.


2 thoughts on “Unblocking Your Creative Flow”

  1. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said, “sometimes you just have to start”. It feels so good to be in the creative flow, but I sometimes have to shove myself into it, especially if it’s been awhile. Cheers to making it a priority!

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